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- New York Times; Health. Can exercise help hyperactivity? By Peter Schworm. Published: Wednesday May 10, 2006.
- The Brain Unveiled. A new imaging method offers a spectacular view of neural structures. Emily Singer, MIT Technology Review. October 20th, 2008.
- Wikipedia article regarding the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (Schmahmann and Sherman, 1997, 1998) . Written by Zachary Monge, Doctoral Student in the Department of Psychology, Boston University, February 2012.
- Internal Medicine News. Theta Burst Stimulation Promising for Refractory Schizophrenia, Article written 4/8/2011 by Bruce Jancin describing results of the pilot study presented by Ataxia Unit Fellow Dr. Demirtas-Tatlidede to the American Neuropsychiatric Association annual meeting in Denver Colorado.[tt_news]=54524&cHash=da03e20e36
- The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome: Implications for Neuropsychiatry. Department of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. September 16th
- Radio Interview with Heather Goldstone, WCAI, National Public Radio for the Cape and Islands. August 12th
- The Neuropsychiatry of the Cerebellum. George B. Murray Limbic Endowed Psychiatry Grand Rounds Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston MA, April 17th, 2014.
- Radio Interview with Jon Hamilton, Science Reporter, National Public Radio. Morning Edition. March 16th A Man’s Incomplete Brain Reveals Cerebellum’s Role In Thought And Emotion.
- Radio Interview with Jon Hamilton, Science Reporter, National Public Radio. All Things Considered. March 16th Clues To Autism, Schizophrenia Emerge From Cerebellum Research.
- Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome: Anatomy & Implications – CSF: Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation. June 17th 2017
- The cerebellar cognitive affective/Schmahmann syndrome scale. Brain: A Journal of Neurology. December 4th 2017
- Ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. British Neuropsychiatry Association 31st Annual General Meeting. London, England, March 3, 2018
- Ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Labroots Virtual Event: Neuroscience 2018. March 14th
- Write up on a patient with cerebellar agenesis followed in the MGH Ataxia Unit, with Schmahmann commentary solicited by the author, Hal Hodson. The family of a boy without a cerebellum found out how to take its place. The Economist. December 18th
- The Cerebellum Is Your “Little Brain”—and It Does Some Pretty Big Things. A newly identified circuit connecting the cerebellum to the brain’s reward centers in mice could help scientists understand autism and addiction. Scientific American. Article by Diana Kwon with Schmahmann quotes, January 18th 2019.
- Webinar, National Ataxia Foundation. Your voice in drug and therapy development. March 19th 2020
- Webinar, Rhode Island Virtual Support Group Meeting. April 5th 2020
- Webinar, National Ataxia Foundation. Covid-19 and Ataxia. May 5th, 2020
- The mysterious, multifaceted cerebellum. Diana Kwon. Knowable Magazine. September 30th 2020.
- Troriluzole alters trajectory of spinocerebellar ataxia. Healio News. April 25, 2024.
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