This is the 11th year that the MINDlink Foundation is running the Falmouth Road Race to raise funds in support of the Massachusetts General Hospital Ataxia Center and the Schmahmann Laboratory for Neuroanatomy and Cerebellar Neurobiology. Dr. Schmahmann, the Founding Director of the MGH Ataxia Center is working together with his team of colleagues across multiple disciplines in their pursuit of providing care and answers for those who are afflicted with ataxia, and other neurological disorders.
There are many types of cerebellar ataxia that produce atrophy of the cerebellum (the little brain). The most common physical symptoms are ataxia – lack of coordination and stability, as well as difficulty with speech, eye movements, and swallowing. Additionally, there can be complications associated with cognition and emotion in folks afflicted with ataxia, and Dr. Schmahmann is the world’s leading expert in pioneering the link between the cerebellum and these nonphysical symptoms.
The clinics of the MGH Ataxia Center provide the many needed medical services to thousands of ataxia patients worldwide, and Dr. Schmahmann and his team are in the final stages of a Phase III clinical trial examining the effectiveness of the drug Troriluzole that may help suppress the progression of symptoms in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia. If the Phase III trial is successful, the drug may be approved by the FDA for use under a physician’s care. The Schmahmann Lab is also a leading clinical trial site for a drug called Verdiperstat, in the hope of improving another challenging ataxia – multiple system atrophy of the cerebellar type. This is very exciting and promising research as there finally may be a way to slow disease progression which is unrelenting unless it is treated. Most recently, the MGH Ataxia Center was tapped by Biogen to be a lead site for the first gene-related therapy using an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) for the treatment, and hopefully prevention of disease in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (Machado Joseph disease). Please join us in support of all these efforts of the Schmahmann Lab that will help make a difference in the lives of patients with ataxia and other disorders linked to the cerebellum.
This year’s race will be held both in person in Falmouth on Sunday, August 15th 2021, as well as virtually. If you would like to donate, please visit The MINDlink Team website. Giving is tax-deductible, simple, and secure. Checks can also be made out to MGH, and “MINDlink/Schmahmann Lab” should be written on the memo line.
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
The MINDlink team of MGH Ataxia Center and Schmahmann Lab supporters.
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